McGregors Farm Services can help with any of your cooling requirements.
Compact Water Chillers
Core Benefits
Optimal protection of milk quality
Robust double system designed for non-stop cooling and long life
Precise temperature control
Economical and energy efficiency scroll compressor
Fastest cooling rate of any cooling system type
Supported by DeLaval service team
Easy to install and maintain one-piece design
Built in heat recovery
Multiple cooling circuits to adjust capacity to actual milk flow
Heat Recovery
DeLaval Heat Recovery Storage VEssel HRS
DeLaval heat recovery system HRS can produce 0.7 litres of warm water (53˚C) from every litre of warm milk (35˚C).
Plate Coolers
Milk is refrigerated to maintain its quality for as long as possible, and to reduce the growth of bacteria. You can achieve more cost-efficiency in on-farm milk cooling if the milk is pre-cooled using well water through a heat exchanger – before it enters the milk tank for cooling by refrigeration. Both these cooling stages must work efficiently to maintain maximum milk quality. Making sure you have the correct water-to-milk flow rate to pre-cool the milk before it enters the bulk tank will optimise pre-cooling efficiency. We recommend 2.5:1 or 2:1 water-to-milk flow rate.
Pre-cooling to increase efficiency
By pre-cooling the milk, the cooling requirement of your collecting tank and thus the required amount of energy decreases. With the right size DeLaval plate cooler for your milk volume you can save up to 50% of your cooling energy costs.
Save the electricity
The colder your pre-cooling water, the more you save! Because the milk already flows into the tank pre-cooled, the cooling unit can be smaller and you save investment costs or your current unit runs less and you save electricity costs. Pre-cooling can be retrofitted into an existing milk cooling system at any time.
If your cows could talk...
Healthy cows with the best water intake have been proven to give more milk and therefore improve your milk production. By providing drinking water at the optimal temperature, you can increase the milk yield by up to 0.9 liters per day. In the pre-cooling process heated water is the ideal drinking water for your cows.
DeLaval plate cooler BM
A plate cooler can cut refrigeration energy costs by up to 60% by reducing the cooling load on your bulk tank. DeLaval plate heat exchanger BM features a highly durable, precision-engineered stainless steel frame. It is designed for low to medium milk flow rates. Combined with easy to service clip-on gaskets, this range of stainless steel cooling plates optimizes milk pre-cooling efficiency.
DeLaval plate cooler BMSS
Premium in stainless steel. Cost-effective solution with stainless steel frame for pre-cooling and instant cooling of milk.
DeLaval plate heat exchanger M6
These plate heat exchangers are especially designed for larger dairies and can reduce your milk cooling energy requirements by as much as 35%. A large cooling surface delivers efficient heat transfer and gentle milk handling. You can choose single or dual coolant systems to meet your specific cooling needs.